May 6, 2010

Thoughtful Question #10 have a few very thoughtful questions... obviously... hence the name. I have taken it upon myself to ponder the questions they put out there. One by one.

Honestly? I don't think I celebrate enough. I don't think I appreciate enough. I think I need to remind myself on a daily basis. There are so many things to be grateful for. So many things to celebrate. And it's usually the small things. The small things are the best things. The most meaningful things. The things we remember. Like a warm ray of sunlight. I love that. Or the rain on a warm day. Or even the cold when you're cuddling under the blankets.

I don't think we celebrate our lives enough. I don't think we celebrate the wonders of the world enough. And I don't think we celebrate the people and the wonderful things in our lives enough. At all. What do you celebrate?


Kimberly said...

I don't think we celebrate life enough either.

I think we as people take much more for granted and should spend more time enjoying the fact that each day we still love, still breathe, still hope, still succeed, still fail, all the wonderful things, good and bad that happen each and every day no matter how miniscule they may seem should be celebrated!

Great Post!

Maryx said...

OI agree! Thanks!