Feb 8, 2011


I hate that when I have good news, sad news, bad news, happy news, something happened or something didn't happen, when my moods change or when I want to talk or ramble... You are the first person I think to call and tell.  You are the first person I want to share it with.  It's frustrating.  It makes me think twice all the time.  Just like you had to think twice before calling me 'my love' in our conversation today.  Or so you said.  Is this mutual?  What is going on?  I'm still holding strong to my 'decisions' in my previous G post.  I can't let myself get weak.  I'm strong.  I can carry on.


michael said...

I know the feeling. All too well.

You are right to say you're strong, though. You are. And you will carry on. You will move on. I believe in you.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm moving on, too.

Maryx said...

Well CHEERS to moving on! *Can I get you another drink?* =) hehe