Sep 9, 2009

Just Pix


Simon Butler said...

The first and the last ones are my favourites – the first for obvious reasons, the last because it’s kind of whimsical; and nicely drawn too.

Maryx said...

The first one is just... hot! And so cute. The last one is extremely well drawn... did you know I do pencil sketches myself? I think I'm quite good at it. Friends say I'm modest. Maybe I'll post some... sometime...

Will I be able to stand the criticism??? Haha!!

Anyway, thanx for stopping by.

Simon Butler said...

You should. I used to do a lot of pencil sketching in my younger days (painting was a too bloody difficult), but I’m afraid I’ve let things lapse since then. Post them while you can! Ignore the fear of adverse criticism. Such people can only be philistines.

And yep, simultaneously hot and cute wins every time… :)

Maryx said...

I'll take that into consideration Simon... Thanks.