Aug 11, 2009

10 Things I learnt this long weekend...

Thanx Brazen for the idea. Maybe I'll try and make it a weekly thing. Just maybe. But everyone knows how random I am.

  1. Things are never what they seem.
  2. What is best for me is not necessarily nice for me. It hurts.
  3. Mxit is straight out of hell.
  4. Memories are best kept in the past in and in your mind.
  5. If you don't have something nice to say keep it to yourself.
  6. Family is still the most important thing in my life. I don't have to love them I WANT to love them. They are the best of me and the most of me. The one constant.
  7. Relationships are fragile. Never take it for granted.
  8. Friends are very important. Keep them close. Especially the old ones.
  9. I will get through the mountains in my life. Whether it's over it or through it. I will.
  10. I WILL be strong enough. Once the tears are gone. At least give me that.

So there you go... What did you learn this weekend??

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Janine / Being Brazen said...

some great lessons there :)

Maryx said...

For sure. Thanx.

The Demigoddess said...

I learned that my is forced to love me despite what I do because I'm her daughter. I talked to her again for the first time in 5 months....

Maryx said...

That's a mothers love for you...
May I ask what happened? Ag email me when you feel like it. Sorry to hear though. Hope things are awesome from here on out. Everyone's screws up at some point. Like my mom and I are SO hard-ass it's a mission fighting each other. =)