I have a ton of happy
memories and a ton of sad memories.
Where do I begin? And how do I
choose the best and worst?
Some of my happiest
memories include my grandfather and my childhood. I honestly think I had a grand childhood,
even through all the hidings I got. I’ve
posted quite a few things about my childhood on my blog before… the fun I had and the friends I had.
Some of my worst,
saddest, memories also include my grandfather.
According to me, he died way too early, and way too young. He had Parkinson’s for a very long and I
hated seeing him like that. Another is
of my great-grandmother passing away, and of my little 2 year old niece. I miss them with everything in me, and I
can’t think of anything sadder than the loss of a loved one. I’d rather have my heart broken by a guy over
and over and over again, than lose the people I love.