Jul 29, 2011

My New Chapter

My life is changing, and it's changing fast!  I'm absolutely loving it, though!  After having a fantastic birthday and going for an unexpected interview on my birthday as well... news came just over a week later - that I got the job!! :D

It's the same company my Mom works for, although we won't be working together.  She's in a whole different building, on a whole different project, thank goodness for that.  Otherwise we'll possibly be driving each other nuts.  I'm really, REALLY, really really really excited about it!  Even though I'm scared out of my wits because it's a whole new thing for me.  It's a new environment, new people, new work and new challenges.  Which is a good thing, I know, but that's what happens when you get into a comfort zone in your life.  I'm sad though, leaving my 'old life' behind.  I've been at the company for almost 4 years.  That's a long time, for me.  I've learned a lot and changed a lot.  I've worked really hard and I've fought and won, sometimes I've lost.

The new job offers me a lot more opportunities, challenges and huge learning curves.  I will meet a lot of new people, learn a lot of different things and work my butt off for quite a while, before getting used to the new environment and challenges.

I'm just really glad I'm leaving my current company on a good note, and not a bad one.  There is already someone starting on Monday, to sort of fill my position.  I will be on training mode for the next month, urgh.  Oh well, at least it won't be my problem after I've left here.  I'm a real perfectionist and pain in the ass when it comes to my work, and if someone doesn't perform, I get edgy, really edgy.  I created the systems we're working on and I want it to work successfully, but without people focusing and doing their job right, the system I created will be meaningless.  I follow a strict set of schedules and structures, because of the medical equipment and products we distribute, we need to always know where everything is and where it's heading.  I need to keeps tabs on everything everyone says, to keep myself and the company out of any possible trouble/accusations.  I learned it the hard way, so now the easy way is left to the new girl and my dear 'Second in charge' (who will now be taking my place fully).

The new job I'm heading for entails project secretary work and PSO Administrator (document controller for a mining project).  Wish me luck! May the grass be greener... with no bugs.



JR said...

Your blog is interesting, has left a great impression.
Best wishes

Maryx said...

Thank you so much Jonas!!!

Vinita Santhosh said...

all the best dear... i know u'll b d best at ur job too.. my wishes n prayers r there.. :)