Apr 22, 2010

Thoughtful Question #6

ThoughtQuestions.com have a few very thoughtful questions... obviously... hence the name. I have taken it upon myself to ponder the questions they put out there. One by one.

I think I have the tendency to ask TOO MANY questions. I can't help it. I have to know the answers. I have to figure things out. Not all things, mind you. There are some things that I just.don't.need.to.know. But honestly, when it affects me and my life, I just have to know. I have to have the answers. I have to be able to give my heart some rest. Otherwise it's like I'm bottling things up. It feels like a huge bubble filled with water, hovering above me, waiting to pop and drown me...

And that's exactly what I'm scared of. That's why I ask so many questions. I'd rather understand something or someone, or even their actions, than live in uncertainty or fcuk things up in the end. I have a knack of doing just that, sometimes.



Simon Butler said...

I long ago gave up trying to find out answers to other people’s behaviour – I would never be able to understand why people did things even if it was explained to me.

I prefer to question things. How things work, and abstract principles. People are too complicated. They behave irrationally. They should be replaced by something more efficient and logical. Then the world would be a happier place.

Ella Unread said...

Oh my...you remind me of Cloudy so so bad....
From the interviewee's point of you, I just want to say that sometimes I'd rather not be asked nor answer, it's not that I want to hide anything, it's just that sometimes saying things aloud hurts a little :(

Andhari said...

it's not so good to be like this all the time:) sometimes letting go can set you free.

Indrayani said...

I would love to ask more questions and prod till I am satisfied, atleast for stuff that matters to me, but I have noticed that people dont always appreciate that. Even in close relationships....
So, even though I am all up for a heart to heart exchange atleast withing my relationships, I dont think its ideally the case in today's world...

like simon says...people are so irrational!

Maryx said...

Simon - You are so right there. I don't know why I do it. I can't help myself.

Ella - I agree with you on that one. Some things ARE better kept to yourself. It's not hiding, it's protecting.

Andhari - You're right, of course. I have to work on that. Just letting go...

Indi - Why is that? People are curious beings!