Aug 3, 2009

End of Nothing

Okay you caught me... I wrote poetry. Yes. 'Wrote'. Not so much anymore. No more inspiration I guess. And back then I didn't know about the blog world like I do now. So I'm gonna start posting my old poetry here whenever I can. Please comment. Shitty? Okay? Confusing? And please ask if you wanna know the story behind it as well? If I don't post it beforehand... Enjoy!

Would someone please help me?

I can't seem to do it myself.

I need help, why can't you see?

I'm screaming inside, can't you see it in my eyes?

I need to be held, to know that I'm loved.

I feel so worthless; there is no hope, no future.

How do I get rid of this pain?

I can't escape myself, my brain.

I need to live again.

Please, someone save me..

From the demons in my head.

Maybe nothing is what I am; maybe fate

Has nothing for me in its plan.

Someone help me live...

Someone hear my screams...

Someone please hear my pleas...

Author: Maryke Pretorius (2005)


Organic Meatbag said...

It's obviously came from a place deep in your heart...something that was affecting you in every me, poetry should be about honesty...good stuff...

Maryx said...

Thank you Meatbag. Very appreciated.